Thursday, August 20, 2009

Statement of Principles

If you would like the digital file for the Statement of Principles being circulated to Garfield faculty, send an e-mail to the Webmaster at, and you will be sent a copy.

We are currently collecting signatures to submit the Statement to the board. Until we have submitted the signatures, we will only distribute the digital file to recognized parties. We ask that you support us in this by only forwarding it yourselves to other recognized parties.

Yes, we know that it will get out, but we want to keep as much integrity in the process as possible. There have been examples of others interested in this process who have not been so respectful.

We expect to submit our signatures to the board on Monday afternoon, August 24.

Garfield stands united.

1 comment:

  1. Garfield Unite!!
    For our students, parents, community, and each other!
